
The best part of my day-coming home to Abi who is always excited to see me :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My whine fest

So I am just generally in a bad mood, well i wouldnt go that far, but I have no patience for annoying people today, unfortunatly I am surrounded by them. One guy clears his throat literally every 20 seconds (and that is not exageration) and then some guy was clipping his nails at the office...really dude. disgusting. i am literally getting closer and closer to that point of craziness that i am going to leap over the cubes and throttle him screaming at him to SHUT UP! get cough drops drink water, i dont give a crap, but seriously ENOUGH.

My dad also has annoyed me lately with his attitude about my Kuwaiti, Muslim boyfriend. Great, I get it that you are protective and want me to be happy, I AM HAPPY! Wonderful, I understand you dont want the person I marry to change into some crazy person and things dont work out....hmm well you married a White, American, Christian woman and how did that work out for you?!?! not so well from what i can see, so why is it that i should marry some white dude just because you think that things will work out? Eff that, everyone changes, there is ALWAYS a chance that things dont work out, it has nothing to do with someone's religion or background. There are risks to every person that I could possibly marry so get off your high horse and at least talk to the dude!!! its been 5 years, i think it is time you get over it. oh yeah, and i like his girlfriend and all, but seriously, dont act like you support me and then turn around and talk trash and make jokes like "oh you can be the 3rd wife" seriously STFU. and stop talking about my ex, if you love him so much then you marry the guy and he can hang around you nonstop. and oh btw, my dad and i have been able to manage a good relationship without a 'mom' or 'wife' for the last 4 years I dont need you telling me how to communicate with him or that I should keep up the house or whatever other advice you want to give me. I dont have a mother, I manage just fine without one and i dont want one.

lets see what else is annoying me lately, hmm how about the fact that people around here think it is appropriate to drive 35 miles an hour on an on ramp to a HIGHWAY! or 40 mph on a highway simply bc there was a dusting of snow the night before.

oh yeah, and how is it that my company has no work for me or half of the office to do so we sit here hour after hour doing nothing and then they want to come up with this proposal training, thats awesome, i am pretty excited about it, ill get to add a new skill to my resume, but then they turn around and say oh yeah btw its mandatory its from 3-7 for 3 days next week and you wont get paid for it. the hell with that. ill bring my happy ass in around 11-12 and ill stay until 7 and bill overhead for every minute of it. 

and the list keeps growing...
last week after i return from my bankruptcy hearing caused by the rippling effects of my mothers never ending mission to make us all miserable she has the nerve to start whining about how my dad, who gives her more money than i make in a month, wants to keep the house in his pocession. mind you, she has NEVER, not ONCE made a payment on that house and furthermore, he is only trying to prevent her from amassing more debt because the house will be sold for $50,000 less than what is owed on it. So let me get this straight, she wants to bitch about how my dad is trying to prevent her from going into debt while i am still simmering from the after effects of how her bullshit behavior has impacted my finances and possibly my career. i have, in general, had it with my mother. it gets really annoying after a while having to play mother...to your mother.

I guess that there really were a few things bothering me.